Kishore Biyani's retail behemoth Future Group has revamped its existing neighbourhood-concept store EasyDay for the digital shopper. The company, which launched its Retail 3.0 strategy, is revamping its 500-odd EasyDay stores to bring it under the new format of EasyDay Club.

The store is an expansion of its existing Easyday small-store format, with the addition of digital services in shopping, studying consumer preferences and predictive data analytics. Targeting 10,000 stores by 2022, Biyani said that the group plans to open a store within 2 km of every Indian consumer. The first stores are scheduled to open in the next 30 days, with the brand being launched first in Punjab.

The game-plan appears to be to move away, at least partially, from the group's sprawling retail outlets to a number of smaller stores dotting every neighbourhood, replacing mom & pop stores. Each EasyDay Club store will be for registered members only, with each store accepting only 2,000 members. Biyani said that every store will stock 35,00 stock-keeping units and will, in addition, have a virtual marketplace that predicts what its members will want to buy and when. The annual subscription has been set at ₹999, Biyani said.