The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) will organise the first regional ‘Brand Summit 2011' here on Friday.

The Chief Minister, Mr Oommen Chandy, has been invited to inaugurate this summit. The theme of the summit is ‘Branding a new India,' a spokesman for the southern region of the CII said here.


The one-day summit will feature deliberations by eminent heads of businesses, industry experts, thought leaders and brand personalities. At least 200 delegates are expected to attend.

Industry experts would discuss various aspects related to branding and the strategies required to moot their growth and development.

The main areas of focus include branding Vs advertising; new-generation branding in India; effectiveness of research and public relations in creating brands; marketing Indian brands abroad; and innovation and brand strategy.

The CII Brand Summit 2011 seeks to align with the larger ‘Business for Livelihood' theme of CII for the year, the spokesman said.


The summit would endeavour to portray the impact and importance of branding on the overall development and growth of business as well as innovate new ways to reach out to the consumer.

Mr Navas Meeran, Chairman of ‘Brand Summit 2011' and Vice-Chairman, Eastern Group, said that the objective of the conclave is to explore ways to develop, manage and sustain brand value in a sophisticated market.

The summit would also try to leverage topics such as revolutionary online and new media branding strategies and look at them from the global perspective.


Among other things, the convention would pursue case studies involving successful international brand management initiatives and illustrate practical applications of the topics such as new age customer, rise of new media, technological advances and debate the topic on ‘how to build a successful brand in a changing world.'

Branding has evolved as the most important positioning strategy in modern day marketing, Mr Meeran said. It has become a very powerful component in business. It is the springboard that can thrust business forward and provide it with the needed competitive edge.


A well-defined and strong branding strategy would drive sales, build customer loyalty, create brand value, and most of all, act as a catalyst for business growth and development.

Keeping all this in mind, CII Brand Summit 2011 would help businesses to develop and perfect their branding strategies and aid in achievement of business goals and targets.