General Motors India is all set to launch three new models — a hatchback, sedan and utility vehicle early next year. It will launch the Euro IV version of utility vehicle Tavera later this year to sustain growth.

Of the five models slated for launch by next year by the global automotive major, couple of them are likely to be from the Chinese venture partner SAIC Motor.

The research and development teams based at Bangalore, with a strength of about 2,500, along with other design teams, are working on localisation of these cars to suit Indian conditions, according to Mr P. Balendran, Vice-President of General Motors India.

Addressing a press conference here today to launch Beat diesel in Andhra Pradesh, Mr Balendran, said “the company is currently on an expansion drive, investing about $500 million across two plants located at Halol and Talegaon. This is in addition to Rs 5,000 crore investment made thus far in India. These will bring in the necessary flexibility to launch new models along with a wide range of engine options.”

“The company, which closed last year with total sales of about 1.1 lakh vehicles in India, expects to achieve sales of over 1.4 lakh. We expect to double the market share up from 4 per cent last year within couple of years,” Mr Balendran said.

The Vice-President, Marketing, Mr Sumit Sawhney, said, “the Tavera with Euro IV engine will be launched during the year. Diesel vehicles will form a major part of the GM strategy going forward.”