Swedish home furnishing major IKEA has announced a parental leave and HR policy in India wherein the co-workers, including men, will be able to avail six months leave on a child’s birth.

The co-workers will be able to avail leave with full salary. The policy has been announced to extend support for women and men in their role as parents and as professionals.

Anna-Carin Månsson, Country HR Manager, IKEA India, in a statement said, “I am delighted to share this piece of news with all our co- workers in India who have been working towards building the IKEA brand in India. For us the co-workers are no less than a family and it becomes imperative for us help them through important phase like this of their lives.”

Under the parental policy, it’s mandatory for male co-workers to submit a letter/proof of return to work of their partner to avail all the benefits under this policy. Similar benefits will also be extended to co-workers planning surrogacy or adoption.

The female co-workers will also have an option of reduced working hours in the nursing period. Several other benefits have also been announced.