Multinational drugmaker Novartis has introduced a gender-neutral parental policy for its employees in India, in step with what is increasingly becoming a trend in corporate circles.

The new global parental leave policy is part of a phased roll-out that will cover Novartis company employees across the world by 2021. In India, the policy has come into effect from July 1, and will apply to birthing and non-birthing parents in the case of birth, adoption and surrogacy, a Novartis statement said.

Retrospective effect

The policy is applicable with retrospective effect to employees who became parents on or after January 30, 2019. And in case both parents work with Novartis, both will be entitled to 26 weeks leave, the drugmaker added.

“People are key to the success of an organisation and we believe that by recognising moments that matter in the lives of our associates, we will contribute to better work-life balance.

“Our parental leave policy is a symbol of equality for all new parents in the company, offering choice and giving both parents precious time to spend bonding with their new baby,” said Novartis’ recently appointed India head Sanjay Murdeshwar, adding that the move will foster a more inclusive culture in the organisation.

Non-birthing parents will be able to take leave in one go, or two tranches of 13 weeks each, within a year of birth, adoption or surrogacy of their new child. The first employees to avail this opportunity are expected to resume work in January 2020, the note said.

Novartis will also offer coaching to employees going on leave for a seamless reintegration into the workplace when they resume work. There is no cap on the number of births and, in case of premature birth, depending on the number of weeks of prematurity, employees will be entitled to additional parental leave, it added.

Savitha Shivsankar, Novartis India’s Country Head, People & Organisation, said a gender neutral parental policy “recognises the role that both parents play in a changed world and helps both parents build bonds with their new baby.”

Novartis joins global companies such as Microsoft, Facebook and Netflix who have reportedly brought in similar initiatives.