As countries across the world race to find a vaccine for Covid-19, Yoga guru Ramdev’s Patanjali Ayurvedic on Tuesday claimed to have found the first Ayurvedic cure for coronavirus, as per reports.

“Launch of first and foremost evidence-based ayurvedic medicine for Covid-19,” Patanjali Ayurvedic tweeted from their official account announcing the launch.

However, these claims seem to be unsubstantiated by authorities, According to a CNBC-News18 report, the Ayush ministry has refused to comment on the matter. The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) is also unaware of the same, the report said.

According to the company, the cure has been developed based on research by Patanjali Research Institute, Haridwar, and National Institute of Medical Sciences, NIMS University, Jaipur.

“The entire world is waiting for a vaccine to cure coronavirus and we are proud to say that through clinically controlled trial-based, evidence-based method, we have first ayurvedic medicine to cure corona called ‘Coronil’ and ‘Swasari’,” said Ramdev as quoted by News18.

The company claims to have developed the medicine with over 100 compounds as per a LiveMint report.

"A combination of optimum concentration comprises of Divya Swasari Vati, Patanjali Giloy Ghanwati, Patanjali Tulsi Ghanwati and Patanjali Ashwagandha capsules along with Patanjali Divya Anu Taila was administered in Corona positive patients to tackle the outbreak," the company said in an official press release.

As per the claims made by Baba Ramdev and Patanjali, initial research shows that the drug cures the disease in 3 days. It claims to have tested the cure in over 280 patients with 69 per cent of the patients recovering in three days.

Ramdev said: “The kit used shows 100 per cent recovery rate within 3-7 days. Two trials were conducted by the team in Delhi and Ahmedabad. In one of them, there were 280 patients, and it showed 100 per cent recovery. This is not just for prevention, but for cure. This was followed by an all-important clinical control trial,” as quoted by a News18 report.

Permission for trials

The company claims to have gained permission from the CTRI (clinical trial registry- India) for trials, as per a media report.

It is selling the entire kit at ₹600 while providing the medicines for those below the poverty line for free

The medicine comes with instructions of dosage.

The scientific community, however, has shown scepticism over the medicine and the methodology of the trials. Experts have cautioned against the usage of the drug without determining its overall efficacy, as per a News18 report.

Acharya Balkrishna, co-founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Patanjali Ayurveda Limited earlier this month had claimed that his company has developed an Ayurveda medicine. The study or the claims had not been substantiated by the Centre and Indian Council of Medical Research, according to an Indian Express report.

The Ayush ministry in May had permitted clinical trials of four ayurvedic 'rasayanas' for the treatment of coronavirus. However, authorities have not yet launched any official cure for the disease yet.