Wipro GE Healthcare on Thursday announced a fellowship partnership with Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM) to provide increased opportunities for research scholars to build and to further improve the innovation ecosystem in the country.

Under the programme, Wipro GE Healthcare (WGE) will provide financial aid and industrial expertise to chosen Masters (MS) in Research Scholars at IIT Madras.

“The world of healthcare is getting transformed through use of digital technologies which can address some of the toughest healthcare challenges. Through this partnership with IITM, we wish to mentor the students and their ideas, and help them develop affordable healthcare solutions for those in need across the country,” Azim Premji, Chairman, Wipro GE Healthcare, said in a press release.

A joint-venture between Wipro and GE Healthcare, WGE is focused on some of the country’s toughest healthcare challenges such as lowering maternal and infant deaths, enabling early detection of cancer and addressing heart diseases early.

Research Scholars of thw MS program shall also be offered nine-month internship opportunities at WGE.

“This collaboration will provide a rich experience to research scholars of the program as they will get a chance to work on diverse healthcare projects and get mentored by industry experts from Wipro GE Healthcare,” Bhaskar Ramamurthi, Director, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, said in the statement.

“We are honoured to collaborate with IITM and tap into their vibrant pool of student community willing to be challenged to come out with breakthrough ideas in the healthcare sector,” Nalinikanth Gollagunta, Global Chief Operating Officer, Digital, GE Healthcare, was quoted as saying.