The Indian Wind Power Association has said 3200 mw of wind power generation capacity was commissioned in the country during 2011-12 in spite of tough times.

Prof. K.Kasthoori Rangaian, Chairman of the association said while the wind industry has been complaining about issues relating to grid in Tamil Nadu, the State topped with a generation capacity addition of 1087 mw capacity.

During his visit to Hyderabad to take part in National Council Meeting of IWPA on Saturday, he said investors are keen to take up wind projects in spite of difficulties, but need support.

Gujarat, Rajasthan, Maharashtra are preferred locations after Tamil Nadu. They have managed to add about 789.85 mw, 546 mw, 418 mw and 1087 mw respectively last year.

Six windy States have made rapid strides with Tamil Nadu having a capacity of 6974 MW, Gujarat following with 2942 MW, Maharashtra (2735 MW), Rajasthan (2068 MW), Karnataka (2934 MW) and Madhya Pradesh (314 MW).

The Association has requested the Andhra Pradesh Government to support them in implementing more projects by offering higher tariffs and permitting trading in Renewable Energy Certification by entering into agreements.