The capacity of the Bhakra left bank power house has been up-rated to 630 MW from 540 MW, Anand Behari Agrawal, Chairman of the Bhakra Beas Management Board (BBMB), said. Up-rating is the process wherein the existing dimensions of the civil structure remain, but new machinery is fitted in to increase power generation capacity. In hydro power projects, civil structures cannot be changed frequently.

Agrawal said after the upgrade, the total installed capacity under BBMB has touched 2,883 MW . The Board has taken up a Rs 490-crore plan to increase its electricity generation capacity by 90 MW .

“The Board has achieved the highest ever up-rating in the world at 40 per cent,” the Chairman told Business Line .

Earlier, all units of the Bhakra left bank power house were up-rated by 20 per cent from 5X90 MW to 5X108 MW .

The BBMB is a no-profit-no loss organisation which operates dam and power stations at Bhakra (1493 MW); Pong (396 MW) and Dehar (990 MW). The Board sells electricity at 24 paise a unit. The power stations generate 10,000 to 14,000 million kWh.