The bio-diversity park, set up by the State Forest and Wildlife Department at Kakkavayal in the district, will be opened for public on February 3.

The park, ‘Vanaparvam', features a natural forest, nursery, an orchidarium, medicinal plant area, butterfly garden and a xerophytic vegetation area.

It will help people know more about the rare species of plants and herbs found in the forests in the State, according to the Chief Conservator of Forests, Mr D.K. Verma.


In the natural forest, the people can enjoy the ambience by trekking through the pathways inside and at the nursery, they will be able to collect the seedlings of tree species to be taken home.

The State Government had sanctioned Rs. 96.86 lakh to set up the park, which is spread on 111.4 hectares of land.


The orchidarium will provide information on various species of orchids for the benefit of researchers and botany students.

The park will also be home for many types of butterflies and dragonflies.

A temporary interpretation centre has been opened to provide detailed information on different plant species under conservation and the foundation stone for a permanent centre will be laid on the occasion of the inauguration of the park.