Industry body CII has said Britain’s strict immigration laws are affecting businesses and asked for a special dispensation when it comes to applications from the country.

“The British visa and immigration policy in the last two years has seriously affected small and medium businesses,” CII President Adi Godrej said during a dinner meeting with the visiting London Mayor Boris Johnson here over the weekend.

Godrej asked for special treatment to applications from countries such as India which contribute towards British economy.

“We feel that there should not be blanket rules and they should look favourably at countries that are contributing towards the British economy,” he said.

He added that ban on non-EU students to work as they learn has led Indian students to take courses in other countries such as the US, Canada and Australia.

“Equally hard hitting has been the immigration policy for students, disallowing non-EU students from working even after completion of their course,” he said.

“With this advantage gone and the increase in the tuition fees, a large number of Indian students have been moving to the US, Australia and Canada,” he added.

Mayor Johnson said he will request the British government to “sand paper” or polish its policies for smoother functioning, while Godrej suggested a relook in the upcoming policy announcement in 2013.