In a bid to speed up its probe, the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) has asked chief vigilance officers (CVOs) of government departments to prepare a list of officials who were allegedly involved in corruption while executing Commonwealth Games-related projects.

It has also asked all civic and construction agencies to put documents related to the Games works carried out by them on CVC's website.

A special team of the Commission probing the CWG-related work for alleged graft has found evidence against senior government officials for rigged tender process, undue haste that led to supply of inferior quality products and poor construction of infrastructure related works.

Sources said the Commission would make a department-wise list of such ‘tainted' people who were involved in the corrupt practises to take speedy corrective action.

“There have been several complaints from non-government organisations and whistle blowers claiming that host of government employees were involved in corrupt practises. We have sent the complaints to concerned CVOs for investigation and report,” a CVC official said.

He said a complaint had also been sent to the CVO of the Sports Ministry to probe the role of certain incompetent officials involved in carrying out infrastructure-related works.

Sources said the CVC has found series of financial irregularities on part of certain government employees from departments such as Central Public Works Department, Public Works Department, Municipal Corporation of Delhi, New Delhi Municipal Council, Delhi Development Authority and Games Organising Committee among others.

They said the watchdog had received a number of complaints alleging that various “incompetent” people were involvement in several projects that led to unjustified cost escalation and corruption.

The move assume significance as Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh appointed a high-level committee under the chairmanship of the former Comptroller and Auditor General Mr V K Shunglu has found series of wrong doings by government officials.

The committee has faulted sacked OC chief Mr Suresh Kalmadi and Secretary General Mr Lalit Bhanot for their alleged involvement in irregularities.