India is expecting a significant growth in export demands for engineering goods from Japan and Czech Republic. The Engineering Export Promotion Council (EEPC) India will take the “India Show” to Czech Republic in September after this month's such exposition in Japan.

While EEPC India foresees export growth opportunities largely in sectors such as electrical power machineries, auto components, paper, cement and scientific instruments from Japan, it expects the export share to go up sharply in steel pipe, electrical power machineries, auto parts and industrial tools sectors from Czech Republic. These to countries currently account for nearly one per cent each of India's total export of engineering goods.

“The export demands have been minimal from these countries earlier. But, we are getting ample enquiries now,” Mr Suranjan Gupta, Director, EEPC India, told Business Line .

Falling Rupee

The apex engineering items' export promotion body confirmed that falling rupee made exports. “We will definitely benefit from the falling rupee. For instance, the engineering trade witnessed nearly 8 per cent exports growth to $5.2 billion in April, 2012, compared to $4.8 billion same month last year,” Mr. Gupta said.

However, the overall exports may fall this fiscal owing to a decline in export volume, especially from crisis-ridden European Union. In 2011-12, EU's share was 18.95 per cent of India's total engineering goods export, he pointed out.

Despite the slowing growth from the EU, the UK and Germany have been relatively stable, Mr Gupta said.