Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak appeared increasingly cornered today amid reports that his deputy Omar Suleiman and top military leaders were discussing steps to nudge him from power, a day after tens of thousands of protesters rallied here demanding his immediate ouster.

Despite mounting global clamour for him to step down immediately, 82-year-old Mubarak, who has been in power since 1981, refused to bow to the pressure.

Seeking immediate start of an “orderly transition” in Egypt, the US President, Mr Barack Obama, expressed hope that Mr Mubarak would be able to make the “right decision’’.

“In order for Egypt to have a bright future, the only thing that will work is moving an orderly transition process that begins right now that engages all parties, leads to democratic practices, fair and free elections and a representative government that is responsive to the grievances of the Egyptian people,” Mr Obama said in Washington.

EU leaders, at a summit in Brussels of the 27-nation bloc, said Egypt’s “transition process must start now” and condemned this week’s violence.

Egypt’s new Vice-President Mr Suleiman and other top military leaders were discussing steps to limit Mr Mubarak’s executive powers and possibly remove him from the presidential palace in Cairo — though not to strip him of his presidency immediately, Egyptian and American officials were quoted as saying by The New York Times.

A transitional government headed by Mr Suleiman would then negotiate with the Opposition figures to amend Egypt’s Constitution and begin a process of democratic changes, it said, adding that among the ideas discussed were suggesting to Mr Mubarak that he move to his home at Sharm el Sheik, the seaside resort, or embark on one of his annual medical leaves to Germany for an extended check-up.

“Such steps would provide him with a graceful exit and effectively remove him as the central political player, going partway towards addressing a central demand of protesters on the streets of Cairo,” the report said, as hundreds of thousands of protesters packed Cairo’s Tahrir (Liberation) Square on Friday evening for a “day of departure” rally for Mr Mubarak.

The Wall Street Journal also reported quoting people familiar with the matter that if these discussions bear fruit, “executive powers in the new government could be gradually transferred to Suleiman, the country’s long-time intelligence chief, and a transition government that includes opposition figures.”

Separately, the Washington Post said the Obama Administration is urgently trying to persuade the Opposition groups to participate in dialogue with Suleiman.

The Obama Administration, the daily said, has urged the Egyptian military to back the dialogue.