Calidris India Private Ltd (CIPL), a fully owned subsidiary of Luxembourg-based Calidris AG, has launched natural energy drink 28Black in India.

The brand is being rolled out in key metros after testing the waters in Bangalore, Mangalore and Hyderabad. 28Black hopes to have a pan-India presence by end-2011 and a presence in 25,000 outlets in two years.

Lifestyle drink

28Black is envisioned as the ‘first energy drink 2.0', and positioned as a lifestyle drink with no taurine, artificial flavours, preservatives or colours. It is based on the Brazilian açaí berry and bottled in Germany. Plans are in place to start bottling in India in 24 months to cater to the Apac region.

28Black will target ‘selective, health-conscious consumers who have otherwise been skeptical of energy drinks', according to Mr Max Dahman, Project Manager, CIPL. Speaking to Business Line , he said, “In Europe, people are a little fed up with energy drinks with cough syrup-like taste. 28Black has worked across markets because of its taste, energy, healthy ingredients and aesthetic sensibility. We hope to replicate our success here too.”

Since it commenced operations in 2008, Calidris 28 has expanded to several countries in Europe, besides Singapore, US and Panama.

“The discerning class knows the benefits of the acai fruit. It's up to us to inform more and more people. It's a lifestyle drink that can be a morning, noon or evening drink; or it can be used in cocktail mixes,” explained Mr Dahman.


The brand will target the ‘creatively inclined' through fashion weeks, art shows and the like, besides promotions in clubs and restaurants. It is customising its presence on social media, with a dedicated page for each country, including India.

The Indian energy drinks market is pegged at Rs 120 crore, growing at an estimated 30 to 40 per cent annually, according to Mr Kurien Mathew, MD - SAARC countries, Calidris 28.

He said, “We are confident of capturing 10 to 15 percent of the energy drinks market in India in two years. Besides this share, we will look to capture portions of the market beyond energy drinks, riding on our health and lifestyle strengths.” Internationally, the brand claims conversions from coffee and even fruit-based drinks.

There are two variants. While 28Black is larger by market share, the sugar-free 28White is popular among the calorie-conscious with 5 calories per can, said Mr Dahman. 28White variant is to be introduced nine months from now in India.