The US Secretary of State, Ms Hillary Clinton, will arrive in India soon to attend the second India-US Strategic dialogue. The dialogue is being hosted by the Ministry of External Affairs here on July 19.

In a statement, the Ministry has said that the dialogue will be preceded by the meeting of the India-US High Technology Cooperation Group (HTCG). The Cooperation Group, established n 2002, is the principal forum for advancing India-US cooperation in advanced technologies, including in dual use and strategic trade. The two-day HTCG event which begins on July 11 will be hosted by the Foreign Secretary, Ms Nirupama Rao.

In addition, the third meeting of the India-US JWG on civil space cooperation will be held on 13 July in Bangalore, the statement adds.

Trade matters

The high profile visit comes in the back drop of the huge interest a variety of US companies from the defence to retail sector have shown in the burgeoning Indian market.

The recent decision of the Indian Government not to purchase 126 fighter aircraft saw the US Ambassador to India, Mr Timothy J. Roemer, resign from his post. The resignation came days after India defence forces decision was communicated to the US.

In a statement, the US Embassy said that it was during the Ambassador's tenure that the US-India defence partnership expanded exponentially. “The sale of C130J aircraft and the pending sale of C-17s strengthen the strategic partnership between our two countries, and demonstrates our enduring commitment to sharing the world's best technology with India. Our defence partnership offers economic benefits for both India and the United States and significant job creation in both countries,” the outgoing Ambassador said.

The sale of the C130 J aircraft is valued at over a $1 billion.

Aviation pact

During her visit, the two countries are also expected to sign the Bilateral Aviation Safety Agreement (BASA). The initialling of the agreement will open the global market for Indian companies manufacturing aviation products.