The Chemical Industries Association, a body representing a cross-section of chemical industries in Tamil Nadu, today said that the protest against the Kudankulam nuclear power project is “unwarranted and counter-productive”.

“The Tamil Nadu chemical industries have been hoping that the early commissioning of the Kudankulam plant will give some relief, though not to the level required,” the Association has said in a statement.

The statement notes that the chemical units in the State have been reeling under power shortage with many of them suffering loss of production and consequent difficulties in sustaining operations.

Nuclear science is a complex subject and it would be beyond the capability of non-technical people to understand its nuances. Under the circumstances, people will have to repose faith in the nuclear scientists, the Association's President, Mr P.K.N. Panicker, has said.

There was a time when Tamil Nadu was the “leading centre” for chemical industries but the State has lost its place of pride, Mr Panicker said. The Association urged the State Government to take a “firm stand”. The hesitation of the Union Government to act positively is affecting the investor's confidence in Tamil Nadu, the statement said.
