Both Orthodox and CTC leaf recorded lower prices at Sale Number 38 last week at Kolkata auction vis-à-vis Sale Number 37 in the previous week, according to J Thomas & Company Pvt Ltd, the tea auctioneers. The average Orthodox price at Rs 210.43/kg was lower than Rs 224.91/kg at Sale Number 37. Similarly, the average CTC price was lower at Rs 144.39 (Rs 149.27) per kg.

Associated Brokers’ list attracted highest average Orthodox price of Rs 229.28, followed by J Thomas (Rs 224.38), Parcon (Rs 213.58), Contemporary (Rs 193.27), Paramount (Rs 125.52) and Assam Tea Brokers (Rs 124.98).

In CTC, J Thomas list attracted the highest average price of Rs 156.91, followed by Assam Tea Brokers (Rs 156.79), Contemporary (Rs 144.89), Parcon (Rs 137.22), Associated Brokers (Rs 122.96), Paramount (Rs 121.10) and S Chatterjee (Rs 109.51).

Meanwhile, total offerings (packages) last week at Sale Number 38 in three North Indian auction centres at Kolkata, Guwahati and Siliguri were lower at 4,32,942 (4,40,723). The offerings at Kolkata comprised CTC/Dust 1,54,509 (1,56,057), Orthodox 31,110 (22,356) and Darjeeling 9,809 (5,096). The offerings at two other centres, mainly CTC/Dust, were: Guwahati 1,25,141 (1,50,518) and Siliguri 1,12,373 (1,06,696).

Liquoring Assam CTCs sold at irregularly lower rates. Plainer sorts met with less demand and eased in value. Dooars was barely steady and easier with plainer sorts seeing some withdrawals. Tata Global was the mainstay and there was selective support from Hindustan Unilever. Western India dealers operated on the liquoring sorts. North India and local sections were selective. Exporters operated on the larger brokens and fannings. Orthodox offerings met with steady demand at easier rates.