This week’s turnover at the auctions of Coonoor Tea Trade Association which concluded on Friday has decreased 3.68 per cent compared with last week.

This is due to marginal rise in price resulting in a lower volume being sold, reveals an analysis of the market reports.

The average price increased to Rs 84.69 a kg from Rs 84.03. This is the highest price in the last three weeks. This reduced the off-take to 10.51 lakh kg from last week’s five-week high volume of 11 lakh kg. Consequently, the turnover dropped to Rs 8.90 crore from Rs 9.24 crore last week. This meant that the turnover fell by Rs 34 lakh or 3.68 per cent in a week. Sale percentage-wise, however, there was an increase this week with about 85 per cent of the offer being absorbed against last week’s nearly 78 per cent.