This week at Sale No. 44 at the Kolkata auction, the price of CTC leaf at Rs 148.27 per kg was up as compared to Rs 143.14 at Sale 42 (there was no Sale 43 due to the Durga Puja holidays), while that of Orthodox at Rs 172.69 (Rs 176.24) per kg was lower, according to J. Thomas & Company Pvt Ltd, tea auctioneers.

A little more than 84 per cent of CTC volumes offered were sold as compared to 76.45 per cent in Sale No. 42, while the corresponding figures for Orthodox were 79.45 per cent (71.07 per cent). Next week there will be no Sale No. 45 at Kolkata; the next sale will be Sale No. 46.

This week, the total offerings (packages) at Kolkata covering Sale 44 comprised CTC/Dust 1,14,825 (1,55,750) and Orthodox 24,468 (55,612).

However, the Darjeeling offerings at Kolkata Sale 45 were 7,326 (7,136). The same is true for two other North Indian auction centres, namely, Guwahati and Siliguri where Sale 45 was held. The offerings, mainly CTC/Dust, were: Guwahati 1,54,218 (1,68,381) and Siliguri 1,10,032 (1,11,835).

Thus the offerings this week at the three North Indian auction centres comprised Sale No. 44 for CTC/Dust and Orthodox and Sale 45 for Darjeeling at Kolkata and Sale 45 for CTC/Dust at Guwahati and Siliguri and totalled 4,10,869 (4,98,714). With the season gradually heading for closure, there is thus a declining trend in offerings.

Liquoring Assam CTC teas met with strong demand and sold at firm to dearer rates following improved enquiry from Hindustan Unilever and active support from Tata Global. Mediums were firm to occasionally dearer, while plainer categories sold at irregular rates. Better Dooars were firm to occasionally dearer, while the remainder sold at around last levels.

Western India dealers operated on the liquoring sorts. North India and local sections were active. Exporters operated on the larger brokens and fannings. Orthodox offerings sold at easier rates. There was good support for tippy and liquoring varieties from continental buyers. Exporters to the CIS were active. The Darjeeling whole leaf grades saw less enquiry from blenders and sold in line with quality. Brokens sold readily, while fannings were dearer following local and export enquiry.