There has been isolated heavy rain over Kerala even as winds are expected to stay monsoon-friendly along the coast and Lakshadweep for another day on Wednesday.

An India Met Department update said that strong south-westerly winds speeding up to 45- to 55 km/hr are likely along and off the coast and over Lakshadweep during this period.

Ideal conditions

These are ideal conditions for monsoon onset, which may get further bolstered thanks to low-pressure area likely materialising over east-central Bay of Bengal in the next two days.

A ‘pulse’ in the form of a circulation had crossed over from Arabian Sea during the last couple of days into the Bay which is now expected to set up the ‘low.’

Strong flows

Satellite pictures on Tuesday showed of masses of clouds building up in anticipation over the south Arabian Sea en route east towards Kerala as also over central and adjoining east Bay. The cross-equatorial flows from the southern hemisphere into south Bay are also forecast to hold strong feeding fuel in the form of moisture into the brewing ‘low.’

Meanwhile, heat wave to severe heat wave conditions are building up over south Rajasthan, west Uttar Pradesh, west Madhya Pradesh, Vidarbha and Telengana.

Dust and thunderstorms are stalking the rest of north-west India as a western disturbance has moved in over Jammu and Kashmir.

The heat wave will persist over northwest India while thundershowers are expected to spread out over east and north-east India from south-westerly winds picking up steam over the larger Bay of Bengal.