The act of an endosulfan manufacturer in sending legal notices to four doctors for monitoring the impact of the pesticide on humans is an isolated attempt at persecuting these professionals, according to Mr M. P. Veerendrakumar, President, Socialist Janata (Democratic).

These doctors — Dr C. Ravindran (Principal), Dr Prabhakumari (Head of the Department, Community Medicine), Dr Jayakrishnan and Dr Thomas Beena — attached to the Government Medical College, Kozhikode, and a scientist at the Salim Ali Centre for Ornithology and Natural History, Anaikatty, Coimbatore, were only carrying out a Government brief, Mr Veerendrakumar said.


The Government of Kerala had constituted a technical cell of the Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment for monitoring the impact of endosulfan on human beings and contamination of soil and water.

Further to this, the Government Medical College, Kozhikode, the Centre for Water Resources and Management, Kozhikode and the Coimbatore-based centre had conducted various specialised studies.

The pesticide industry conveniently avoided sending legal notices to these institutions, and instead has concentrated on individuals who were only acting in their official capacity.


This sort of corporate bullying, known as Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation, was earlier used against Dr Sunita Narain of the Centre for Science and Environment by the industry, Mr Veerendrakumar said.

The Government of Kerala should immediately intervene in this matter and implead itself on behalf of these individuals against the pesticide company.

Apart from the moral responsibility, the State Government should take this up as a show of solidarity to instil confidence in all upright, sincere and socially committed officials that those in the line of duty will not be left to the legal mercy of vested interests.