Edible oils market witnessed a mixed trend as soya, sunflower and rapeseed oils rose by ₹5, ₹5 and ₹10 respectively. Palmolein declined by ₹2 on the Bombay Commodity Exchange in line with drop in Malaysian palm oil futures amid slack physical demand. Liberty was quoting palmolein at ₹500, super palmolein at ₹520 and soyabean refined oil at ₹582. Ruchi traded palmolein at ₹500, soyabean refined oil at ₹579 and sunflower refined oil at ₹625. Allana was quoting palmolein at ₹504, super palmolein at ₹529, soyabean refined oil at ₹580 and sunflower oil at ₹625.

In Saurashtra-Rajkot, groundnut oil ruled steady with Telia tin at ₹1,590 and loose (10 kg) at ₹1,025.

BCE spot rates (₹/10 kg): groundnut oil 960 (960), soya ref oil 580 (575), sunflower exp ref 580 (575), sunflower ref 625 (625), rapeseed ref oil 710 (700), rapeseed exp ref 680 (670), cottonseed ref oil 575 (575) and palmolein 496 (496).