The National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (Nabard) organised here a sensitisation programme for farmers on the importance of agricultural marketing infrastructure grading and standardisation with a stress on post-harvest technologies at the Tamil Nadu Foodgrains Marketing Yard in the outskirts of the city recently.

Mr S. Rethinavelu, President, Agro Food Chamber, in his inaugural address, expressed his concern over the loss of foodgrains to the tune of Rs 78,000 crore annually for want of safe and secure storage. He said that the Tamilnadu Storage Marketing Yard has been constructed in an area of 30 acres with storage capacity of 60,000 mt and 2500 mt cold storage and added that plans were ahead for display of agri-products of farmers in addition to holding various orientation programmes for the benefit of the farming community in partnership with institutions such as Nabard.

Mr R. Shankar Narayan, Assistant General Manager, Nabard, Madurai, in his address earlier said that the objective of the programme was to expose members of the Nabard promoted farmers clubs on the need for technically superior post harvest methodology, specially storage godowns. He requested farmers to look at ways to organise themselves as federations and look at a joint approach to several issues confronting farmers. The future of farming lay in farmers coming together as producer companies and maximise their income levels and bargaining capacity, he added.

Mr R.Mohana Sundaram, Senior Marketing Officer, Department of Marketing and Inspection, (DMI), Government of India provided technical inputs on specifications for raising marketing infrastructure specific safeguards for selection of sites and the financial outlay and subsidy available from Nabard. He requested farmers to conceive infrastructure projects as a group for which DMI would extend technical support. Mr P. Ramalingam, Assistant General Manager, Nabard, gave a detailed presentation on the various subsidy facilities channelised through Nabard.

Around 60 leaders from various farmers clubs in Madurai promoted by Nabard in Madurai district participated in the sensitisation programme.