The edible oil industry expects the area under oilseeds such as groundnut and soyabean to expand by about five per cent this kharif over last season on good progress of monsoon across the country.

“The rains have brightened the prospects for kharif oilseeds and we expect the acreage to go up slightly by about three to five per cent,” said B.V. Mehta, Executive Director, Solvent Extractors Association of India (SEAI).

rise in area

Planting of oilseeds has taken off on a positive note and States such as Gujarat, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh are reporting higher acreage.

According to the latest data, oilseeds have been planted on 8.13 lakh hectares (lh) till June 20, against 3.19 lh in the corresponding period last year.

Groundnut has been planted on 5.55 lh, up from 2.21 lh in the same period last year. Similarly, soyabean has been planted on 1.32 lh (15,600 hectares).

Other oilseeds such as sunflower, sesamum, castor and niger have also seen a marginal increase in area.

higher prices

The Soyabean Processors Association of India expects a five to seven per cent increase in acreage as higher price during the planting season may prompt farmers to plant more of the oilseed. The India Metrological Department has forecast that rains would be normal for the month of July and August.

“If the rains continue at regular intervals for the season ahead, we can expect better yields this year,” Mehta said.

Oilseeds such as groundnut and soyabean compete with crops such as cotton and pulses as farmers prefer to plant those that have offered better returns.

The delay in announcement of minimum support price by the Government for the kharif crops this year could possibly boost the oilseeds acreage.


Last year the planting of oilseeds was affected by drought in parts of Gujarat, Maharashtra and Karnataka and the total area stood at around 175 lh.

The kharif groundnut output was impacted due to scanty rains and stood at around 34.59 lakh tonnes against 51.27 lakh tonnes in the previous year.