Prime Minister Narendra Modi met Chief Ministers of Maharashtra, Karnataka and Uttar Pradesh separately here on Saturday to assess the situation of drought in these States.

Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh Akhilesh Yadav and senior officials told the Prime Minister about the efforts undertaken to address the situation, including provision of drinking water, food to the needy in Bundelkhand, employment, water and fodder for cattle, and efforts for long and medium term solutions.

The State also shared the action plan for revival and restoration of 78,000 water-bodies including tanks, ponds, and farm ponds; one lakh new water-bodies and recharge structures. “This will be achieved by utilizing funds available in schemes such as MNREGA and Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana,” a release from the Prime Minister’s Office said.

The Prime Minister said the Centre and States have to work together to mitigate the problems faced by the people. He also called for focus on medium and long term solutions for drought-proofing. “The Prime Minister stressed on the use of technologies like remote sensing and satellite imaging for planning of water conservation and recharge structures. The need to change cropping patterns based on scientific advice, use of drip and sprinkler irrigation, and fertigation for increasing water use efficiency, community participation, especially women, for better water management, was stressed,” the release added.

The Chief Minister of Maharashtra Devendra Fadnavis informed the meeting that good progress has been made in preparatory works for Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana. Fadnavis said the State Government is working on a plan to ensure that 100 per cent of the sugarcane growing area in Maharashtra comes under drip irrigation in three years.

The Prime Minister told the delegation that the Centre, States, Local Bodies, NGOs and citizens have to work together to resolve the problems posed by drought. He also stressed the need to adopt a judicious mix of traditional and modern water conservation and storage mechanisms. “Appreciating the efforts of the State Government, the Prime Minister emphasized crop diversification, value-addition, and broadbasing the sources of income for farmers, by connecting dairying, fishery, poultry, bee-keeping etc. He also underlined the natural hedging from vagaries of nature because of broadbasing of income,” the release said.

Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah led the delegation from Karnataka. He told PM that major rivers and reservoirs in the State are facing acute water shortage. “He explained the various measures undertaken by the State Government, including desilting, construction of farm ponds, steps towards drip irrigation, and ensuring adequate drinking water supply,” the release said.