The seventh edition of India Rubber Meet (IRM 2024) will be held in Guwahati on February 23. The theme this year is ‘Natural Rubber — Changing Landscape, Emerging Trends and Insights for Tomorrow’.  

Union Minister of State for Commerce and Industry Anupriya Patel will inaugurate the event and Anshuman Singhania, Chairman, Automotive Tyre Manufacturers’ Association (ATMA), and Managing Director of JK Tyre and Industries Limited, will be the Guest of Honour.

The biennial event is organised by the India Rubber Meet Forum (IRMF), a society formed by the Rubber Board and stakeholders’ associations in rubber and related sectors. The meet will feature talks, panel discussions and interactions on the future of the global and Indian natural rubber industry, economy and commodity prices; future of tyre, non-tyre and synthetic rubber industry; challenges and opportunities, and so on.

The objective of the meet is to provide rubber stakeholders a common platform for interaction, knowledge sharing, technical updation, and addressing future concerns, besides networking for the advancement of the rubber industry.

A national-level organising committee for the event has been constituted under the chairmanship of M Vasanthagesan, Executive Director, Rubber Board, with representation from all segments of the rubber industry. It includes representatives of small and large rubber growers, rubber processors and traders, tyre and non-tyre sectors, auto component manufacturers, rubber product exporters, synthetic rubber and reclaimed rubber manufacturers, rubber research and skill development institutions, media dealing with rubber, and so on.

The IRM 2024 aims to attract around 500 delegates from India and abroad. Registration can be done online through