Sohan Lal Commodity Management (SLCM) Group, a post-harvest agri logistics player and warehouse service provider, has launched the physical ‘Krishi Quality Janch Kendra’ an AI-ML (artificial intelligence – machine learning) empowered solution for foodgrain quality check.

A media statement said a total of 31 centres have been opened in the initial phase of the initiative across Delhi and Madhya Pradesh. These centres are aimed at facilitating farmers, traders, FPOs (farmer producer organisations) as well as corporate entities involved in QC (quality check) of foodgrain. SLCM intends to establish at least 600 more “Krishi Quality Janch Kendras” across different parts of the country till the end of February, it said.

Facilitator role

An extension of SLCM’s Agri Reach QC module, an AI-ML driven application, “Krishi Quality Janch Kendra” is a strong push for SLCM’s cohesive digital platform that encompasses quality check, warehousing management solution, agri ecosystem listing and a third-party platform that facilitates handshake between commodity buyers and sellers.

At the newly-introduced centres, a facilitator will enable scan and generate QC report for the grains between 1-4 minutes while the traders / farmers would be made well versed with Agri Reach app for quality checks in the future. The centres have been opened in the South and West part of Delhi market, as well as Ujjain, Indore and Mandsaur regions of Madhya Pradesh market.

The statement said the centre heads can generate QC reports, an NABL accredited facility for accurate, trustworthy testing with reduced turnaround time, thereby helping the stakeholders save both time and money. It further transforms the way crops are valued by the buyers as valuation is a direct function of the quality of the crop. The system empowers the farmers to know the true value of their produce, and get the best price.

Objective of setting up these

SLCM has established these ‘Krishi Quality Janch Kendra’ at key marketplaces where a major chunk of farmers / traders travel here for better price, the next phase will reach out to a much larger part of Indian farmers and agricultural community via over 600 such centres across 200 locations, covering the length and breadth of the country, it said.

Quoting Sandeep Sabharwal, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of SLCM, the statement said: “We are moving towards a new era, ensuring fair price for the farmers as well as food security of the nation. There are just 161 state seed testing laboratories and six central seed testing laboratories in India. For farmers and traders, a quality check of the crop / grains entails travelling long distances, spending hours at the centres, and spending huge amounts in the process. We understand the technological barriers for our farmers, and hence centres such as ‘Krishi Quality Janch Kendra’ at major marketplaces are designed to maximise the benefits for all and eventually foster a transformation in the Indian agri industry.”