The Tea Board has fixed the price bought leaf factories have to pay to small growers for purchasing their green leaf this month at ₹14.74 a kg.

Tea Board’s Deputy Director CS Hariprakash said this price was arrived at as per Section 30A of Tea Marketing Control Order based on the consolidated auction sale average of CTC teas from bought leaf factories during September.

This price is marginally more by 36 paise compared to ₹14.38 a kg fixed for last month. That marks an increase of 2.50 per cent. This is the highest price of the last three months.

However, compared to October last year, this price is as much as ₹15.29 or a whopping 50.92 per cent less. In fact, the price of ₹30.03 a kg fixed for October last year was the highest price fixed for any month so far.

Considering that four kgs of green leaf are generally bought to manufacture one kg of made tea, small growers will now get as much as ₹60 less per kg compared to this time last year for every kg of manufactured tea.