Tea production in India is expected to grow nearly 6 per cent to at least 1,190 million kg this year owing to better rainfall. This growth is likely to be contributed largely by North India. In 2012, tea production stood at nearly 1,126 mkgs.

According to A.N. Singh, Chairman, Indian Tea Association (ITA), based on the data available with the Tea Board, tea production in North India witnessed an increase of 76 mkg between January and October this year.

He was addressing the 130th Annual General Meeting of ITA here on Saturday.

Production in South India, however, is expected to be on par with last year.

“Tea price realisations for the current season — from April 2013 to till date — show that (average) tea prices in North India declined by around Rs 2 a kg, while South India saw an increase by around Rs 2.50 a kg,” Singh said.

Last year, tea production stood at nearly 1,126 mkg.
