Good demand perked up prices of almost all varieties of tea at the Kochi tea auction last week. The quantity on offer in the CTC dust category was 7,75,500 kg.

The markets were irregular and lower by Rs 2 to Rs 3 and sometimes more, especially the powdery grades following quality. However some well made clean black PD, RD and SRD grades dropped less compared to others, the auctioneers Forbes, Ewart and Figgis said.

The Orthodox dust grade also witnessed good demand and the quantity on offer was 4,500 kg. The market for high-grown and medium powdery grades remained steady, while others were irregular and lower. The bulk of the offerings was absorbed by exporters.

In the best CTC dusts, PD varieties quoted at Rs 95/103, RD varieties stood at Rs 99/103, SRD grades ruled at Rs 99/104 and SFD at Rs 100/113.

In the leaf category, the quantity on offer in the Orthodox grades was 87,500 kg. The demand was good as select best Nilgiri bolder brokens, smaller brokens and Fannings were fully firm to sometimes dearer. Others were irregular and tended to ease.

Corresponding whole leaf showed strong features and moved up in value. Medium bolder brokens and tippy grades were irregular and sometimes lower following quality. Whole leaf from the same origin was higher by Rs 5 to Rs 10 and occasionally more. Medium fannings remained steady.

The CTC leaf also witnessed good demand and the quantity on offer was 94,000 kg. The market for CTC brokens was irregular and lower by Rs 2 to Rs 4 and sometimes more with many withdrawals. However, some select best and popular marks sold around last. CTC Fanning was fully firm to sometimes dearer.

In the dust category, Kodanaad CL.BOPD quoted the best price of Rs 155, followed by Injipara (Prm) SRD by Rs 125. In the leaf grades, Pascoes Hyson Green tea quoted the best prices of Rs 285 followed by Chamraj Green Tea FOP at Rs 256.