Prices of almost all varieties of tea at the Kochi tea auction increased on good demand. The quantity on offer in the CTC dust category was 9,90,500 kg. Select best sold around last week’s level, while others ruled irregular and lower by Re 1-Rs 3. The decline in prices was more as the sale progressed.

Of the quantity of 11,000 kg on offer in orthodox varieties, primary grades were firm. Others were irregular and lower. Bulk of the offerings was absorbed by exporters, according to report prepared by auctioneers Forbes, Ewart and Figgis.

In the best CTC dusts, PD varieties quoted at Rs 95-103, RD grades Rs 97-103, SRD grades Rs 98-104, while SFD varieties stood at Rs 100-117.

The demand was good in the leaf sale and the quantity on offer for orthodox grades was 1,38,000 kg. Nilgiri whole leaf, bolder brokens and smaller brokens were irregular and lower by Rs 5-10 and sometimes more. Some select best were sold around last.

Corresponding highgrown fannings ruled steady to firm. Medium bolder brokens, tippy grades were lower by longer margins of Rs 10-20 and sometimes more.

However, the drop was less for medium whole leaf grades and medium brokens. Medium fannings ruled steady to sometimes dearer.

However, the demand was less for CTC leaf grades and the quantity on offer was 1,34,000 kg. The market was lower by Rs 3-5 and sometimes more with heavy withdrawals.

However, the drop was less in the case of clean black well made varieties. Fannings were absorbed by exporters.

In the dust category, Kodanaad CL BOPD quoted the best prices of Rs 152 followed by Kallyar SFD at Rs 125.

In the leaf grades, Chamraj Green Tea FOP fetched the best prices of Rs 310 followed by Pascoes Hyson Green Tea at Rs 270.
