The health of anti-graft crusader Anna Hazare, who is fasting for the past eight days demanding a strong Lokpal is alright, one of his close aides said today.

“He is alright at present. He is taking rest. A team of doctors is continuously monitoring him,” Mr Manish Sisodia, a close associate of Mr Hazare, told reporters.

Mr Hazare has lost 5.6 kg since he began his fast on August 16 and traces of ketone were also found in his blood.

Yesterday, he disregarded doctor’s advice to be put on intravenous (IV) drip and refused to take any medicine and warned the Government against trying to forcibly evict him from the protest site of Ramlila Maidan here.

The team of doctors headed by Mr Naresh Trehan had advised Mr Hazare to get hospitalised but the Gandhian refused to do so.

“The entire team has examined Anna Hazare. There are changes in his vital signs. We told him that he needs hospitalisation. But he refused saying I want to be here with the people,” Mr Trehan had said.

Meanwhile, another close aide of Mr Hazare, Mr Arvind Kejriwal, said that they are waiting for the Government’s response on yesterday’s talks on their demands over the Jan Lokpal Bill.

“We are waiting for Government response. We held a detailed discussion with Government representative yesterday.

We have already given them our demand in writing. They had told us to revert by today...” he said.

“We want that government should accept all our demands.

We have raised certain points which need to be answered by them. Both the Jan Lokpal Bill and Judicial Accountability Bill have to be passed by Parliament together,” Mr Kejriwal said when asked about when the 73-year-old Gandhian would end his fast.