Road safety should be incorporated in the school education curriculum, according to the Minister of Road Transport and Highways, Mr C. P. Joshi.

Delivering the keynote address at the ‘12th Meeting of the National Road Safety Council (NRSC)' organised by the Ministry of Road Transport & Highways here on Friday, Mr Joshi said a proper and practical road safety curriculum should be developed for this purpose as it would have a long-lasting impact on the minds of young children.

Voicing his concerns about road safety, the Minister said it had acquired global dimensions with the UN General Assembly resolution proclaiming a Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020, which aims to save lives by halting the increasing trend of road traffic deaths and injuries world-wide.

The Minister also said in order to address important road safety measures, four Working Groups on Road Safety would be constituted soon; they would submit their reports to the Ministry within three months.

Mr Joshi also said a pilot project on electronic surveillance of truck drivers would be launched soon to check their errant behaviour. He said overloaded vehicles would not be allowed to ply on the roads.