The Federation of Indian Export Organisations (FIEO), the apex body for exporters, will enter into an MoU with eBay/PayPal here on April 12 to boost export transactions through e-Commerce.

Exports through the e-Commerce route in the last three years have grown by over 400 per cent to $1.4 billion, the FIEO said.

“Exporters need to increase their export sales channels like adopting e-Commerce, which is the order of the day, to reach out to more and more customers globally and supply them goods directly while reducing the product cost at the end users’ end,’’ a FIEO statement said on Thursday.

The move to enter into an MoU will also in turn encourage retail sales, it added.

Awareness programme

The FIEO said it envisages the MoU to open up international market especially for the MSMEs in a big way. It will organise an awareness programme on April 12 in this regard initially aimed at exporters in and around Delhi.

“This will be the first such awareness programmes in the series of programmes which it has planned with eBay/PayPal across India,’’ the FIEO added.

Pointing out that retail exports have so far not being recognised for extending benefits under the Foreign Trade Policy, it said: “With the growing retail exports from our competing countries like China, we expect retail exports to be encouraged through recognition in the Foreign Trade Policy.’’