Amid showdown between Anna Hazare and the Government on the Lokpal issue, the Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh, today took stock of the situation arising out of the detention of the activist.

The Cabinet Committee on Political Affairs (CCPA) met here this morning where officials briefed the meeting on the police action.

“Hazare has been detained. It all depends on what he intends to do. We will watch the situation,” a senior minister, who attended the meeting, said.

The issue of impeachment of Mr Justice Soumitra Sen of Calcutta High Court also figured in the meeting. The deliberations, however, primarily focussed on Mr Hazare’s protest.

Speaking to reporters separately, the Information and Broadcasting Minister, Ms Ambika Soni, who is not a member of the CCPA, justified the police action saying if any untoward incident would have happened at a gathering of a large number of people, then all the blame would have gone on the security apparatus.

Ms Soni said any untoward incident cannot be ruled out if some unscrupulous persons who have no social standing had gathered at the protest venue.

She made it clear neither the Government nor the Congress party prefers any personal attack on Mr Hazare but insisted that every person, how so great he may be, has to abide by the law.

In a marked difference from the earlier attack on Mr Hazare by the party, Soni said the activist was a “reputed person” and the Government trusts his word on the protest being peaceful.