Following are the highlights of the supplementary annual Foreign Trade Policy:

*Government aiming at 20 per cent export growth in 2012-13

*Two per cent interest subsidy scheme extended till March 2013

*Zero per cent duty EPCG scheme for technology upgradation extended till March 2013

*Incentives for exports from north-eastern states

*Shipments from Delhi, Mumbai through post, courier or e-commerce to get export benefits

*Single revolving bank guarantee for different export deals

*Seven new markets added to Focus Market Scheme

*Market linked focus product scheme extended till March 2013 for apparel exports to US and EU

*Ahmedabad, Kolhapur and Shaharanpur new towns of export excellence

*Government to come out with new guidelines to promote SEZs

*Focus on market diversification to continue

*Steps announced to reduce transaction cost of exports

*Foreign Trade Policy document made more user-friendly

*13 shows abroad to promote Brand India