The Indo-UK trade is on course to double from Euro 13 billion in 2010 by 2015 with the trade evenly balanced between the two, according to Mr Simon Fraser, Permanent Under Secretary and Head of British Diplomatic Service.

The focus has been on building a stronger, wider and deeper partnership. The UK is already the largest investor in India and India is the fourth largest investor in the UK.

After opening the new British Deputy High Commission in Hyderabad, Mr Simon Fraser said," British diplomacy is engaged in a significant shift towards the powers in Asia, with India as centrepiece."

A new office in Hyderabad was a top priority as the engagement between India, Andhra Pradesh and Hyderabad is set to get deeper. There is immense opportunity to expand trade and investment between the India and the UK.

Mr James Beven, British High Commissioner to India, said, "The new team in Hyderabad will identify and develop opportunities for close co-operation in education, healthcare, low-carbon technologies and scientific research."

Mr Beven said, "Britain is supporting the ongoing discussions on free trade agreement between India and the European Union. Since these are very intricate, we hope a mutually agreeable agreement would come through. This would be beneficial to all. "