Sensing collapse of the WTO’s Bali talks due to stiff stand taken by India over the food security issue, Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is expected to call Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to persuade New Delhi to soften its approach.

According to a report in the local media here, Yudhoyono may call Singh today.

Quoting Presidential spokesman Teuku Faizasyah, 'The Jakarta Post' has said that the President was planning to call Singh, but he did not provide further details.

“There is a plan for that [call],” the report quoting Teuku said.

As Indonesia is hosting the WTO meeting, it wants to conclude it successfully.

The report said that Indonesian Trade Minister Gita Wirjawan too confirmed that "It [the call] is being planned".

India has hardened its stance clarifying that it would not accept any interim solution on the food security issue.

“India’s right to food security is non-negotiable,” Commerce and Industry Minister Anand Sharma said during a press briefing.

The G-33 group including India is demanding amendment in the WTO agreement on agriculture in order to procure food grains at minimum support price from resource poor farmers and sell it at cheap rates to poor people.

There are apprehensions that once India would implement its food security programme completely, it may breach the 10 per cent farm subsidy cap. India is demanding a permanent solution to the issue.

Developed countries have proposed an interim solution of 4 year peace clause.