Activists Kiran Bedi, Swami Agnivesh and Medha Patkar today joined hundreds of protestors expressing solidarity with Anna Hazare outside Tihar Jail while a large number of the Gandhian’s supporters took out marches across the city.

Mr Hazare’s supporters in huge numbers also gathered outside Chhatrasal Stadium, which was converted into a special detention area, this morning and shouted anti-corruption slogans demanding that the Gandhian be allowed to protest at JP Park here.

Ms Bedi, who was detained yesterday and released later, and Swami Agnivesh arrived outside Tihar Jail at around 11:30 am where swarm of protestors had gathered since last night expressing solidarity with Mr Hazare.

Ms Patkar, who reached the protest spot early in the day, was granted permission to meet Mr Hazare after being initially refused to be allowed inside the premises.

At Chhatrasal Stadium, scores of people holding tricolour marched on the tracks while others lent support to them from outside.