Citing high airport fee and taxes, the low-cost long haul airline Air Asia X has said it has no plan to resume services from Hyderabad to Malaysia.

The carrier has also ruled out starting services to Chennai and Bangalore. “Airport fees and taxes constitute about 30-40 per cent of the fare,” Mr Azran Osman-Rani, Chief Executive Officer of the AirAsia X, told newspersons on Friday.

The airline operates daily flights to Delhi and connects Kuala Lumpur to Mumbai four times a week. Explaining the rationale behind Air Asia X not operating to Chennai, Kochi and Tiruchirappali, Mr Rani said the airline only flies to destinations which are more than four hours away from Kuala Lumpur.

At present, its parent, Air Asia connects Chennai, Kochi and Tiruchirappalli. Air Asia X, however, is keen to operate additional flights to Mumbai but is unable to as the air services bilateral agreement between India and Malaysia does not allow for this.
