Mr N. Ramachandran relinquished charge last week on completion of his five-year term as Chairman of Cochin Port Trust. “Everyday is a challenge at Cochin port,” he once remarked as he handled several critical issues deftly.

The commissioning of Vallarpadam international container transshipment terminal, despite so may odds working against it, is certainly a major achievement during his tenure. But it would be wrong to claim the problems are over.

The issue of coastal traffic is yet to be satisfactorily resolved. There were court cases over it. The concession agreement signed in this regard has ambiguities. The relaxation of cabotage, so critical for coastal movement of transshipment traffic, is yet to come. The cartel of truck operators backed by unions, successfully broken by Mr Ramachandran, is believed to be making a comeback, at the new terminal.

Then there is the issue of absorption of 74 workers reportedly rendered jobless. The new Chairman, Mr Paul Antony's plate, it appears, is full.