The Kolkata Port Trust is exercising caution against ships originating from Ebola-affected countries of West Africa.

“An alert against the Ebola virus by the Union Health ministry has been received. We are vigilant on the issue,” port health officer M K Bag said on Tuesday.

He said that the Kopt was vigilant about ships arriving at the Haldia Dock or the Kolkata Dock complex from the affected countries.

“We will exercise caution on ships originating from the affected countries of West Africa. But there has been no ships from this zone till now,” he said.

Those arriving at the docks would be asked whether they visited an Ebola affected country, whether they were suffering from its symptoms or came in contact with the family of an affected person.

Port officials said in case of a crew member suffering from the disease there was sufficient time for quarantine as the number of ships from such countries was low and it took 21 days to arrive.

The government has issued such alerts at all airports and ports of the country.