Kolkata Port Trust (KoPT) today said it is relaxing the terms to reduce cost for the new operator in the Haldia berths 2 & 8.

“We are trying to relax terms of the contract so that capital cost for operation can be reduced for the new operator,” said KoPT Chairman R.P.S Kahlon, while speaking on the sidelines of 56th Annual General Meeting of Calcutta Customs House Agents Association.

Relaxations like allowing the operator to bring in the old mobile harbour crane and few other things have been done, he added.

KoPT had failed to fill the void created after the pullout of Haldia Bulk Terminals (HBT), a joint venture with French company LDA and ABG Group, from the two docks citing law and order issues.

The KoPT board of trustees on May 27 had cancelled the average Rs 173 a tonne bid submitted by OSL-IRC Enterprises, a joint venture of a group for both the berths.

The port had cancelled the bid, saying it was much higher compared to the HBT’s charge of Rs 75 a tonne on an average.

KoPT acknowledged that issues in the form of socio-political factors for the new operator was playing a crucial role, but could not be considered officially.