L&T Metro Rail Hyderabad Ltd., on Tuesday hinted that the finalisation of contracts for rolling stocks, power traction and signalling systems is at an advanced stage.

During an interaction with the Chief Minister, Mr N. Kiran Kumar Reddy, at State Secretariat here today, the L&T metro chief, Mr V.B. Gadgil, said that French firm Keolis has been selected as the operator and maintenance contractor for metro rail project.

The L&T special purpose vehicle, which is implementing the Rs 16,375-crore elevated metro rail project in Hyderabad, highlighted the financial and commercial risks being taken up by the company in implementing the world's biggest metro rail project in public-private partnership mode.

The Chief Minister asked the developers to complete the project at the earliest with least inconvenience to people during the project implementation. The Government and metro developers are seeking to integrate the 72-km rail network with existing rail terminals, Multi Modal Transport System stations and bus depots.

Mr Reddy suggested that the L&T needs to ensure that the work does not affect the Biodiversity Convention to be held in city during October 1-19.

Film on metro

During the meeting, the CM released a film on Hyderabad metro rail project. The film explains the metro rail routes, station designs, pier (pillar) construction and viaduct erection with placement of pre-cast segments.

During a detailed presentation of the project Mr N.V.S. Reddy, Managing Director of Hyderabad Metro, said how the right of way was being created and properties being acquired to facilitate the project implementation.

He suggested special care in relocation of religious structures wherever feasible and formation of slip roads to skirt the religious structures which are converted as traffic islands.

On right track

French firm Keolis has been selected as the operator and maintenance contractor for metro rail project

The Government and metro developers are seeking to integrate the 72-km rail network with existing rail terminals, Multi Modal Transport System stations and bus depots