Prime Minister Manmohan Singh today confirmed that he would be meeting his Pakistani counterpart Nawaz Sharif during his visit to the US which began today.

Singh, in his departure statement, said that he looks forward to bilateral meetings with the leaders of some neighbouring countries, including Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal, during his visit to New York.

“I also look forward to bilateral meetings with the leaders of some of our neighbouring countries, including Bangladesh, Nepal and Pakistan,” he said.

Singh and Sharif are expected to meet in New York on September 29. The issue of terrorism emanating from Pakistan is expected to figure prominently in the meeting between Singh and Sharif.

India has maintained that terrorism emanating from Pakistan and territories held under its control are a matter of concern.

Foreign Secretary Sujatha Singh had said last week that “the harsh reality on the ground is that we continue to face acts of terrorism by groups operating from Pakistan and territories under the control of Pakistan.

“There are also many persons engaging in hostile propaganda against India, who continue to roam freely in Pakistan. Despite repeated commitments from the highest level in Pakistan and very positive statements, there is very little progress in efforts to punish those responsible for the Mumbai attacks. These are the harsh realities.

“So let us see what happens,” she had said when asked about the possibility of the two leaders meeting on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly in New York.