Prime Minister Narendra Modi today discovered a “special connection” with Mongolia when he entered the Buddhist country’s Parliament to deliver a speech, the first foreign leader to do so on Sunday — a holiday.

At the end of his 25-minute address to lawmakers at the State Great Hural — the Parliament — Modi turned around and pointed to the state emblem which had a lotus among other symbols.

“When I entered the Parliament, I saw this symbol and I found special connection with this Parliament,” he said.

Pointing his finger towards the emblem, he told lawmakers that there is a lotus on the emblem and his party BJP’s symbol is also lotus.

His remarks were followed by clappings from lawmakers.

Mongolia bestowed a rare honour on Modi by convening its Parliament on Sunday — a holiday — for his address.

Modi, who arrived here last night from China on the second leg of his three-nation tour, is the first Indian Prime Minister to visit the country.