The Plan size for Jammu & Kashmir for 2012-13 was finalised at Rs 7,300 crore after a meeting between Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission, Mr Montek Singh Ahluwalia and Chief Minister of Jammu & Kashmir, Mr Omar Abdullah here on Friday.

Briefing the Commission on the State’s 12th Plan strategy, Mr Abdullah said the State would focus on accelerated and sustained growth, growth-employment linkage, consolidation of infrastructure, empowerment of people and building of human and institutional capacities.

J&K would target a modest and realistic growth rate of 7.5 per cent with focus on productive sectors and promoting private and public investment in infrastructure. He said the effort was to make growth inclusive by putting in place special component plans.

Mr Ahluwalia complimented the State Government for restoring economic activity and focusing on the development of social and physical infrastructure. He said the State needed to further encourage private participation by creating an atmosphere conducive to investment. Education, health and tourism should be given priority while working out a development strategy.

He said the tourism sector had tremendous potential for boosting economic activities, and called for focus on development of infrastructure in a regulated manner through public-private partnerships.
