The Andhra Pradesh Government plans to establish a museum on bio-diversity to commemorate the global Convention on Biodiversity (CBD), to be held in Hyderabad during October 2012.

The Government also wants to put up a pylon and develop a bio-diversity park ahead of the Conference of Parties (CoP-11).

The mega event will see about 8,000 delegates from 193 countries taking part. About 10 heads of nations, apart from forest ministers of 90-100 countries, will deliberate on various issues.

The State Chief Minister, Mr N. Kiran Kumar Reddy, who reviewed a preparatory meeting, said the bio-diversity park should be established at a suitable location, preferably in Dulapally reserve forest area on the outskirts of Hyderabad.

The objective of these initiatives is to create awareness among the people, especially students and children, about the rich biological heritage and importance of conservation.