The Parliament will have packed schedule from the day one during the budget session. First session of year 2015 will start on Monday, February 23.

First day will start with traditional address by the President to both the Houses (Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha). The address will reflect the Government’s policy and also give some indication about the General Budget to be presented on February 28. After this joint address, both the Houses will have their own sittings and conduct normal business.

Real action will begin on Tuesday, when the Government will introduce two bills, Land and Mines in Lok Sabha. These two Bills will replace ordinances, promulgated after winter session.

It is mandatory for the Government to replace ordinance with the enactment of law during the next immediate session of the Parliament. After the budget session, the Government brought five ordinances mainly on economic issues.

Land legislation

Land legislation titled the Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement (Amendment) Bill 2015 aims to strengthen the provisions to protect the interests of the "affected families'' and also reduce the procedural difficulties in acquiring land required for "development''.

With majority in Lok Sabha, the Government will be able to get the Bill passed in Lok Sabha. However, the real test will be seen in Rajya Sabha, where the Government is in minority and Congress is opposing the amendment.

Mines legislation

Mines legislation titled Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Amendment Bill, 2015 intends to provide a long-term solution to the mining industry. First, the number of mining leases granted in the country has fallen and also the second and subsequent renewals have been affected by court judgments. All these resulted in the mining sector’s output falling, leading to imports.

Withdrawal of key Bills

On Tuesday, Rajya Sabha will consider the withdrawal of two key Bills, Coal Bill and Motor Vehicle Bill. Both the Bills were passed by Lok Sabha during winter session and then brought into the Rajya Sabha. Once the Bills are withdrawn, then the Government will bring the revised Bill and get it passed from both the Houses again. Withdrawal here signals that the Government might bring some changes to make the legislation more effective.

It may be noted that the Government brought ordinances for both the Bills after the winter session. In fact, promulgation of ordinance facilitates coal block auction, concluded earlier this week.

The coming week will see the presentation of Railway Budget on February 26 followed by Economic Survey on February 27 and General Budget on February 28. This will be third time in the Parliamentary history, when General Budget will be tabled on Saturday.